DFA - The Ultimate ADABAS File Access Tool

The DFA Lite software is now available - Free of Charge

 ** Save Time and Money 

 ** Create/Manipulate Data 

 ** Do Emergency Production Fixes 

 ** Total Control Of Your Data 

 ** Essential for Testing 

 ** Download the Free DFA Lite Software  

File-Reorg/Extract - The Ultimate ADABAS File Reorganozation Tool

The File-Reorg/Extract Lite Utility is now available - Free of Charge

 ** Save Time and Money 

 ** Copy Specific data from Production to any other Region 

 ** Backup Specific Data before a Major Update/Conversion 

 ** Reorganize your files without loosing any Data 

 ** Fast and Simple tool 

 ** Total Control Of Your Data 

 ** Essential tool for every DBA or Programmer 

 ** Download the Free File-Reorg/Extract Lite Utility  

Dynamic File Access (DFA) is an on-line utility tool that gives the user/programmer immediate access to any Adabas file he wishes to access dynamically. With DFA the user can view, update, add and delete records in an expedient manner depending on his security. 
With DFA the user/programmer can view all the fields/arrays that are on any file (even when there are hundreds of them), and the ?Search? functionality will allow the user to find any field he wishes to view within seconds.

DFA is an essential tool for data related tasks. It is used extensively by our customers for testing, maintenance of systems and data verification.

The DFA Lite version is now available for free and it can be downloaded from our web site. DFA Lite is a smaller scale version compared to the full version of DFA. It contains all of the DFA's features except for Update Access, and Screens Customizations (Manual Configuration). However, for the first 120 days the DFA Lite version allows all the full version capabilities, which include the above features, before it switches back to the DFA Lite version.
Please note that DFA Lite can only be used for a period of two years.
The full version of DFA is available for a license fee of $100,000 (for up to 25 users).
License for up to 50 users would cost $150,000.
A 15% yearly maintenance fee (of the license fee) would also apply.
The Maintenance Service for the full version includes on-call support and all new versions of DFA.
The prices above are for up to two regions (e.g. Development and QA).
Upgrading from DFA Lite to the full version of DFA is optional.

File-Reorg/Extract is an ADABAS utility that can be used to Extract (download) ADABAS data from any ADABAS file into a dataset. Such data can consist of the entire file or specific records based on an ISN list. The extracted data can be uploaded at a later time by File-Reorg/Extract via the ?Upload? function. The data can be uploaded back to the same file on the same environment or it can be uploaded into the same/another file in a different environment.

This functionality allows the DBA to make major file definition changes to a physical ADABAS file without loosing any data, and in a short period of time. With File-Reorg/Extract, adding new fields to a physical file, or removing fields, can be a very easy and a safe task.
File-Reorg/Extract can also be used to copy ADABAS data from one environment to another, even when the two ADABAS files do not completely match in their definitions. An ADABAS file can be copied from one environment to another in its entirety, or if an ISN list is provided, then File-Reorg/Extract can extract only the requested records, which at a later point can be uploaded (by File-Reorg/Extract) to another environment.

File-Reorg/Extract is a two step utility that Extracts (step 1) the data from any ADABAS file before the physical file definition changes take place, and dumps the data into a dataset in a compressed format. After the physical file definition changes in ADABAS took place, an Upload (step 2) can be performed to Upload the data from the compressed dataset back to the re-organized ADABAS file.  

File-Reorg/Extract is an essential tool for every pogrammer and DBA. It is very useful for copying specific Production data into a testing environment, even when the file definition between the two environments do not completely match. It can also help the DBA to deal with FDT changes, as it gives the DBA the ability to perform major physical file definition changes in TEST and Production with no risk, and without loosing any data.

We are now offering the File-Reorg/Extract Lite version - free of charge.
File-Reorg/Extract Lite is a smaller scale version compared to the full version of File-Reorg/Extract.
It contains all of the File-Reorg/Extract features, However, it allows to Extract/Upload no more than 100,000 records per ADABAS file for "ALL" (records) option, and up to 100 records when an ISN list is used.
Please note that File-Reorg/Extract Lite can only be used for a period of two years.
The full version of File-Reorg/Extract is available for a license fee of $24,000 (for up to 100 files).
License for up to 500 files would cost $40,000.
A 15% yearly maintenance fee (of the license fee) would also apply.
The Maintenance Service for the full version includes on-call support and all new versions of File-Reorg/Extract.
Upgrading from File-Reorg/Extract Lite to the full version of File-Reorg/Extract is optional.

For software upgrades, please call ML Software at (214) 738-3277.